Anoles, Quails, and Maybe Cattails

Finding and Dissecting Owl Pellets

When owls eat a small animal, like a bird or rodent they swallow the animal whole. This means that fur, feathers, claws and bones remain in the owl's digestive tract. They regurgatate these remnants of their meals in the form of owl pellets. Owl pellets are a great place to find small bones, and they also teach you what your local owls are feeding on.

Finding Owl Pellets

Finding owl pellets requires patience and a sharp eye. Here are some ways to improve your success:

Dissecting Owl Pellets!

The best part. Owl pellets are like a blind bag for naturalists and bone collectors. This is a great activity for kids; dissecting owl pellets was a highlight for me when I was younger. For this, go slowly. Bones are delicate after going through stomach acid. You will need: