Anoles, Quails, and Maybe Cattails

The Naturalist's Library

A collecton of guides, books, videos, websites and more for the budding naturalist.

Field Guides


This will be a collection of all books, and any links if there are free pdfs/ebooks.

  • The Curious Naturalist by Sy Montgomery
  • Birdology by Sy Montgomery
  • Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery
  • Among The Pond People by Clara D. Pierson
  • Among The Forest People by Clara D. Pierson
  • Among The Night People by Clara D. Pierson
  • Among The Meadow People by Clara D. Pierson
  • Improbable Destinies: Fate, Chance, and the Future of Evolution by Jonathan B. Losos

Recommended Websites

These are some of my favorite websites related to herpetology, quail keeping, and wildlife.

Recommended YouTube Channels

  • SerpaDesign

    SerpaDesign does a lot of videos on building bioactive tanks, terrariums, and vivariums for various fish, invertabrates, and reptiles.

  • Leopard Gecko

    Leopard Gecko mostly focuses on caring for leopard and crested geckos, but also covers other animals, including jumping spiders..

Games Featuring Wildlife

Browser Games

  • The #wasplove game
  • In this beautifully illustrated browser game, you play as a wasp colony, raising larvae, pollonating plants, and dispersing reproductive wasps. You build your nest in the forest or the city; each has different dangers.

  • FlyLab JS
  • Design and breed the common fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster. This is a great educational video to teach kids about genetics (or let them create a eyeless fly with legs for antennae).

Card Games

  • Ecologies

    In this beautifully illustrated card game, you compete with other players to build the best ecosystem. Ecologies was created by a biology teacher, and is a great way for people of all ages to learn more about biodiversity. You can buy it here.

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